Monday, August 27, 2012

For once, I think I might be getting better.

I had a really good weekend, camping and hiking.  Even some un-planned socializing with people I don't know.

I had a long talk with H last night at church.  She was encouraging.

I know that most of my issues stem from lack of self-discipline, but I'm not exactly sure *how* to get that discipline.  Or how to create in myself.  On Good Days, like today, I can talk myself into doing things and not procrastinating.  Bad Days, not so much.

And, I'm getting along mostly on my own.  I had a good talk with my counselor last week.  But, since my friend S has been mostly incommunicado the past two months, I've had to get along without her.  When usually I'd rely on her for advice, encouragement, her ability to see what's best for me.  I somehow just realized today that I've managed to get along without that.  She praised me once, but otherwise, our roles have almost been reversed and I've been the one telling her what to do.  She's much like myself in that she doesn't listen to the point of carrying out, but... at least she listens.


  1. You read the *entire* blog? I am either impressed or dismayed. :) Good luck blogging and looking forward to hearing more from you.

    1. Yes. :) I think I'd be both if someone did the same for me. Thanks so much for your well wishes!
