Monday, February 4, 2013

I'm tired, but also not because I'm in a good mood.  Was eating some of the bread that C gave me yesterday while text chatting with her.  Just sent a message to GJ and got an email from H, so yay.

Haven't heard from S since yesterday morning.  I hope she's okay... she's a lot like me in that she tends to hide when she's depressed or things aren't going well.  Sigh.

Today was good even though it involved a lot of work.  I had a hard time focusing this afternoon, so E and I commiserated a bit.  Wow, I've talked with four church friends today.  Going to prayer meeting Wednesday nights has been good because I've gotten to know people better.  We get into small groups to pray and share prayer concerns, and people tend to be a little more open-- plus, it's just the women.  C was just really sweet to me in her text and said lovely things.  She seems to think I'm sweet.  :D

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