Sunday, January 20, 2013

Depression must be a shapeshifter.  Just when I think I know what it is, the signs, and can avoid it, it comes in a new form.  Thursday and Friday I was thinking "no, I can't be depressed, my mood is great!"  Just because I have no motivation... just because I don't want to go anywhere... okay, yes, that's depression now, even with the good mood. 

Well, I didn't have anything planned this weekend, and no class tomorrow, so I've been pretty quiet.  Just texting S... we did have a nice conversation yesterday.  At one point, I said "will you give me something to do so I can get off the couch?"  "Happy to: look for 5 tasks you've been avoiding, and do them.  Then, send photos to me  :-)"  I was like oh shit, FIVE?  Took me an hour and a half to do all five, but I got dishes done, a bunch of stuff put away, dinner made.  I did the four easiest things first, and then told S I didn't have anything but big stuff left, so she said I could do 15 minutes of a big task and eat dinner afterward (because I was hungry).  The tasks made me feel so much better, though, and my mood was much improved after that.  Plus, it was a little fun to have someone tell me to do.

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