Sunday, December 8, 2013

Talked with C tonight... it wasn't too bad, but we had e-mailed back and forth yesterday...but yes, we did talk more about what I didn't want to, although C did kinda ask before we did.

Um, she used the S word...she was like "there are two reasons when I don't text you back... if I'm at work or if I want to spank you so I have to step back and wait a few minutes."  I added "and when you're asleep," but I was glad I wasn't looking at her when she said "spank," and how I wanted to be like "well, why don't you?"  She would be scary as a spanker!

Oh and I'm friend's with C's daughter, too-- a while back, she had told me about how she would talk back to her mom, her mom's response: "She would be like “Your tone, Michelle!”  and then whip me with the belt and put soap in my mouth."  I'm pretty sure I had nothing to say for the next few minutes as I pictured C with a belt...oh my.  Yup, sometimes I can't get that one out of my mind, but she's super patient and she's never even gotten upset with me.

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