Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hmm, I have to be up in eight hours.  Perfect time to blog.  :D

Made 3 meals for H, 2 meals for E, and two for myself... complete with side vegetables.  I still need to make cheese scones later, but my freezer is FULL!

I'm meeting my guy friend tomorrow.  He's deaf, and I've been "cramming" sign language for the past two days.  I learned a bit in high school so it's at least familiar, and it's much easier to learn than any other language because you basically have to memorize words (I'm good at that) and not mess with the grammar, etc.  We'll probably end up texting mostly to communicate since I don't know many signs.  He can lip read, though.

Yikes!  Nervous and excited.

I've had such a good... month.  It's bizarre to me because I feel almost normal most of the time, and I don't know that I've felt this way for this long since college (eight years ago).  I don't know if it's all of the new and exciting changes... or what.


  1. Sounds like things are looking up for you! Good job with everything.

    Are you learning ASL? Or another version?

    Cooking is good for the soul. :)

  2. How exciting getting to meet your friend in person. I hope it goes well.
