Saturday, September 29, 2012

Whew... at home doing some work to prepare for next week and tomorrow after a good dinner and epsom salt and lavender bath.

I went camping last night... just one night is sometimes enough.  The best part, though, is that I had plenty of time to hike, which is my way to process and relax a bit.  I hiked 17.5 miles yesterday and 13 today (although bits of it were road walking).  Also, the trails were seriously FLAT which made it easy!  Tiny hills today, but mostly flat.  I was by a lake, and it was gorgeous.  One shot:

I did have lots of time to think about the divorce, think through some feelings on the situation (it's very complicated and multi-faceted), what if anything I should do.

I also learned the difference between a birch and beech tree... and cut some switches.  I need to put them in water so they don't dry out.

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