Monday, September 17, 2012

Today's much better so far than I thought it would be yesterday.  When you go to bed down, you never quite know how you'll wake up.  Fell asleep at 10:30 last night... however, woke up 3 hours later and never fell back into a sound sleep and spent a lot of time awake, too.

Today's the day S's mom died... she told me in a text this morning, and I'm happy she told me.  I sometimes remember to look these things up, but I didn't today.  She said she's doing well.

Today H is on her way home.  We were texting a bit... don't think we'll be able to meet much because she has a substitute teaching job for a month.  Regardless, I'll see her on Wed.  :)  She said I was awesome for making her meals.

Today I've made five people laugh: H and her husband, and three random people I met on the trail.

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